Software to Learn French – Which Works and Which Not?

People often ask, what is the best software to learn French? Some people aren’t exactly sure how the software works. But some are also skeptical – claiming that “old school” – taken quite literally – is still the best way to learn a new language.
In passionately learning about what scholars call the language of romance and diplomats, a lot of software to learn French proliferate the current market. They may see the demand skyrocketing as thousands now realize that learning a foreign language is a good investment. French is the first language of choice as there are more than 300 million people who use French as their primary language.
Knowing what the best software to learn French is a bit hard. Knowing which of them works will sometimes require you to purchase a software. You would be considered very lucky indeed if you get the one which works for you at the first try. But the problem with this method is that you may not be able to get the best software there is.
Here are some tips for you to know which software to learn French works (and which doesn’t):
- Get recommendations. If you are currently enrolled in a French language school and you just want a software to supplement your studies, then your classmates or school acquaintances may be able to have an idea what to recommend for you.
- Read reviews. The worldwide web is a great resource of articles for just about anything, and that includes software to learn French. Compare the reviews you will read. Check how particular software is rated. (The likelihood of getting mixed – either positive or negative – reviews is at 100% as no one product can fully satisfy everyone. So it is up to you to really think about it, and weigh each product you come across.)
- Take note of the features, teaching methods, simplicity of the product, and tools (interactive exercise, games, videos, etc.) mentioned and how it fares with another product. Lessons should be more interesting, enjoyable and entertaining as it would make the absorption of knowledge much easier and faster. (If a product has boring features, you may forget about it – you might fall asleep in the middle so it wouldn’t be of much use to you anyway.) Also, take note of the word tools that they have, if they have one. A dictionary and thesaurus would be part of this category.
- Go to forums. Forums can help a lot. What you don’t see in reviews, you will definitely see in forums. You will get the chance to ask other people who have tried the products already. Since they have used it, they most likely will be the best people to either recommend or shoot down a product.
- The price. Using language software is definitely cheaper compared to attending to a private tutor’s class or going back to school.
To speak French with the confidence and grace of a Frenchman or woman – that is what a student who studies the French language would want to achieve. The software to learn French is a very helpful and effective tool, provided that you find the perfect one for you.


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